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Mark Thomson
Jan 14, 20222 min read
More adventures with "A Piano of Tasmania"
Some of you may have seen my blog about A Piano of Tasmania in 2020, and how it blew up into a story on national TV. It really all...
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Mark Thomson
Nov 9, 20213 min read
177 Nations of Tasmania - Episode 43 - A long-lost LIbya
This was the second interview I did in Devonport and I had heard a bit of Piera's story in advance that I thought it had some features...
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Mark Thomson
Aug 9, 20212 min read
177 Nations of Tasmania - Episode 38 - Chile and challenges
With each new episode I seem to uncover something a little different but which nevertheless speaks to a kind of common humanity or...
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Mark Thomson
Jul 24, 20212 min read
177 Nations of Tasmania - Episode 37 - Oh Canada !
Up until now, almost all my interviewees have come from places where English was not the first language, and, of course, the language...
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Mark Thomson
May 3, 20212 min read
177 Nations of Tasmania - Episode 32 - Insights from a big ,cold island
Greenland is a self-governing territory of the Kingdom of Denmark, perhaps comparable to Scotland and Northern Ireland within the United...
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Mark Thomson
Apr 11, 20211 min read
Watching waves
I went down to Dodge's Ferry to catch up with family and as it was a nice day and thought I might be able to catch some nice drone...
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Mark Thomson
Mar 22, 20212 min read
Why I'm not going to post photos on Facebook anymore
Ok, I'll admit that this headline has a bit of a "clickbait" read to it, but, apart from the fact that a strong headline SHOULD entice...
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