Hi !
Welcome to my site. I've made this as a place not only for people to have a chance to look at what I can do, but also to offer some resources I've found useful for better film-making, video production and photography.
If you are interested in someone who can shoot and edit video for events, gigs, online promotions , informational videos, or documentary. Also, if you need a freelance photographer, then I am always interested in talking and seeing how I can help.
I've also recently added live-streaming g to my repertoire and can livestream your event for a reasonable cost
I also have skills in writing ( for screen and print), production management , producing of short film projects and even some acting.
Please have a look and check out some of my content and hopefully get an idea of whether I may be the right person to fit your needs. I also host a podcast on this site, 177 Nations of Tasmania, in which I aim to interview at least one person from every nationality from Tasmania's last census. Please check it out.
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