A bit about me...
I live in Hobart, Tasmania and I have been involved in theatre and a number of small film and video production projects over the years in different roles, but my most recent experience is as a producer and writer. As a producer, I managed to get a short documentary into Flickerfest Greenflicks' final selection and a short comedy webisode screened at the Ten Days On The Island Festival in 2017. I have made a number of short documentaries, including one that was screened on ABC 24. In 2018/19, I was the writer and associate producer for a short film for SBS On Demand called "Sidelines", about two young Tasmanian guys who draw on help from the local migrant community to pursue their passion for cricket. It can be watched here
In the past, I studied Journalism and Media Studies at the University of Tasmania, which incuded a component on digital journalism and documentary making. I also studied TV Writing at the Australian Film, Television and Radio School (AFTRS). Some years ago I also completed a short course at the University of Tasmania in documentary making and this reignited my passion for documentary. I have a particular interest in environmental and social issues in documentary and how documentary can influence peoples' perception of the world and hopefully change a few minds.
I also have a Diploma of Small Business from Hobart TAFE, which has given me skills that have proved useful in producing short films such as project planning, budgeting and marketing.
I have also experience as a performer, some of which you can see on this site, and have had small roles on TV series Rosehaven ( Season 1-4), The Kettering Incident and the feature film The Nightingale.
I also host a podcast called 177 Nations of Tasmania, in which I am endeavouring to interview at least one person from every nationality represented in Tasmania's last census. Yes, it's a big mission, but I like a challenge and have been learning heaps ! Check the link on the top right to hear some of the stories.
I want to continute to improve all aspects of film and video production and would love to collaborate more with others on projects. In the meantime though, I am constantly looking for new stories and ideas for documentary projects.
To contact me, click here.