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Another update : Sports, music and more podcasting

Writer's picture: Mark ThomsonMark Thomson

I really should be doing this blog more often than I have been lately as it is both therapeutic and important for helping me reflect on what I've been doing recently, what I am doing and what I'm going to do. And that kind of reflection process, I have discovered, it quite an underrated yet important thing to keep doing, especially if you're working in some kind of creative field.

So with that life thought done with, what have I been doing ?

Well, yes, more "A Piano of Tasmania", this time one right in the heart of the city at Franklin Square, and another up in the bush reserve overlooking Hobart, Knocklofty Reserve, which proved to be a very popular spot for walking dogs on the morning we filmed.

As you'll see, I made a bit of an attempt to use the drone up at Knocklofty, though in my opinion they don't make for the most interesting shots. Franklin Square, on the other hand was a chance to make the most of the GH5's great slow motion capabilities with lots of fountain shoots that fitted quite nicely with the music.

But this project is of course, kind of old news now, and though it's raised my profile somewhat, I can't say it's really helped me get any offers of work just yet.

However, with sports competitions recently again, I've had the chance to get a little work filming rugby, a sport which I had until recently only ever seen live once. I must admit that the rules still remain a bit of a mystery to me and the game seems to involve a lot of stoppages and players walking slowy to the next line out or scrum, which actually does make filming a bit more relaxing.

However, that's not the only sport I've been capturing with my camera recently. Last weekend I was asked to get some photos for a soccer match between Hobart United and Premier League team Launceston City. It was the first time in quite a long time that I had photographed soccer/football, and it got very dark during the game which presented a bit of a challenge, but I got a few good snaps, though I think the best were of the enthusiastic and colourful characters supporting from the sidelines ! You decide...

Then, after a hiatus of a few weeks from the podcast, things got busy again, with three interviews in one week and then the next week editing them, which was quite a job. Please check the latest episodes out on the link on my website ( 177 Nations of Tasmania ). The latest episodes feature Switzerland, Sri Lanka and Vietnam and were all really interesting interviews for me with interesting people. I feel almost like I've found my calling with this project...if only I could find a way to make a living out of it ! There was also a story in the Tasmanian Times about it today, which you can read here

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Mark Thomson
Mark Thomson
Sep 13, 2020

Test comment.

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