We had a beautiful couple of days of very still, sunny weather, which seemed a perfect opportunity to get out and finding those great opportunities the weather and the season provides for photography both during the day and at night.
Hobart in the daytime
With the sunshine and nice light we got during the day, it was a great time to get out and about in Hobart and down the Huon Valley where the autumn colours were really standing out still. In fact, as I wanderd around Parliament Lawns the wind started to blow the leaves from the tree, creating a pleasing effect which was a bit hard to capture properly though. However, there was plenty of interest to snap around the lawns - a striking, yet besmirched statue, a man playing a flute, soldiers and a random bike chained up amidst the autumn leaves.
Huon Valley
Then down the Huon, I stopped at Franklin and around Huonville to get a few shots of the boats on the glass-like Huon river and then some shots from the drone overlooking the apple orchards near Willie Smith's, which were just row after row of golden colour lined up across the valley.
Franklin by itself is a picturesque town, but on a day with no wind and plenty of sunshine it really is a picture of serenity and beauty as you can see from the pictures.
Hobart at night
Then at night... well I actually went out to several different places over consecutive nights. Firstly, I went to the area between the Aquatic Centre and the Fountainside Roundabout, which has a rose garden and a bevy of trees that are covered in golden leaves at the moment. But I wanted to capture them with some long exposure and hopefully get some light trails in the background from the highway behind them. Of course, the long exposures can really bring out the colours, and I think I was relatively successful at that....you be the judge.
Sandy Bay Yacht Club
Then, with Sunday night being so still and mild I thought it would be a great night to get some more yachts, but I'd done quite a bit at Bellerive, but I've never done the Royal Hobart Yacht club at Sandy Bay, which is the largest collection of yachts around Hobart I believe. I thought I would get some great reflections on a still, clear night as well as some interesting background lights from Battery Point and the Eastern Shore, depending on the angle.
I feel the results were a bit mixed. There was clearly enough wind to move some of the boats around and make them blurry, so I didn't get the sharpness I'd hoped for. And the mix of different temperature lights made setting the white balance a bit tricky, and the first few were a bit orangey for my liking...though of course some of these things can be fixed later.
But there were some quite nice results as well...