You know, we can't all be out every night shooting spectacular photos of the Aurora Australis, as many were just over a week ago. I will admit, that I got a bit bored of the hundreds of Aurora photos taken from all over Tassie and southern Australian that bombarded social media last week. Unfortunately this is one of the negative effects of the likes of Instagram in that you have a massive bandwagon effect around certain events or places, and they kind of lose their lustre. That's not to say there weren't some great and spectacular photos, but one can tired of looking endlessly at beautiful things. I have the same feeling around sunsets, which are one of the biggest cliche of photography.
I'm not a fan of cliches and I also like a challenge, so in this last week, I thought it'd be interesting to make a study of the grey and the ugly. I did a bit of that in the rain a few days ago, and also found myself noticing all sorts of odd objects, often just rubbish, in surprising spots.
So on this wettish, grey Saturday afternoon, I thought I'd check out the foreshore between the Tasman Bridge and Bellerive to see what kind of detritus may have washed up, with a focus on colours and objects that might stand out and see what effect the rain drenched last few days had had on the foreshore.
Amidst the usual trash of discarded bottles and containers there were definitely a few surprising items, including a couple of sports trophies.
Of course, it's not all just looking down at the ground, although there was a lot to see there on this particular walk. From time to time, one can look up to admire the stillness of the water in Montagu Bay or the grey-cloaked city lying across the shiny expanse of greyish water. Despite the relative dull, flat light, there were some shots to be have of yachts and things as well...